Automate Image Alt Text Generation
AI-Powered WordPress Plugin with Salesforce BLIP
Project information
Built this Image Alt Text AI Generation plugin for WordPress to simplify the task of generating and updating alt text for images in bulk for the media library. By leveraging an AI-powered API, specifically the Salesforce BLIP (Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training) Image Captioning model, this plugin automatically generates descriptive alt text for images. This functionality is designed to enhance both accessibility and SEO by providing meaningful descriptions for all images.
How It Works
Admin Menu and Page Setup:
The plugin adds a new item to the WordPress admin menu called "Image Descriptions".
Fetching and Displaying Images:
The plugin fetches image details from the WordPress media library.
It retrieves the image ID, URL, and current alt tag.
Updating and Displaying Alt Tags:
The plugin saves the generated description as the new alt tag for the image in the WordPress database.